Breaking a down pipe happens to everyone but finding somewhere that sells the right one for your bong is impossible right? Wrong! We offer every size and shape so you can easily replace your downpipe at a good price. We've got you covered!
28 products
Get your friends together over a couple bottles, but no need to drink when you can share you smoke with this great 4 pipe bottle converter!
A handy metal stem that includes a grommet, collar, and bowl with screen.
Spice up your stems with with these funky coloured jewels!
Look pretty in pink with the stunning stem to show off in your collection!
Spice up your stems with with these funky coloured jewels!
Make your bong the talk of the town with these creative downpipes.
Need a replacement stem for your Chongz bong? Fear not, we now stock Chongz branded diffusor stems!
This new metal down stem from Chongz is ribbed for your pleasure!
The name's Bongman, Pierce Bongman... Introducing the 'Pierce Bongman' Bong Spear by Cheeky One.
Looking for a stem replacement for your bong? Just don't think about it twice and get yourself of the Black Leaf Stem Replacement, available in 4 different sizes for you to choose from: 8 cm 10 cm 11cm 12 cm 14 cm
Are you tired of getting all your glass downstems constantly broken?
The Chongz 18.8mm to 14.5mm Diffuser Stems are something a little special for your already beautiful Chongz bong.
The US Style Diffuser Downstem is the ultimate accesory for your glass bong: designed in a way so more bubbles are produced and hence a much better filtration and overall smoother smoking experience!
The Drop-in Bowl & Stem allows the user to quickly and easily remove the bowl making cleaning and refilling the bowl a piece of cake.
The Easy Grip Drop-in Bowl & Stem makes removing and re-placing the bowl a doddle. Available in various sizes to suit your need.
The Glass Downtube 14.5mm (Stem Only) is an ideal replacement for your broken glass stem.
When you've had a beer and fancy a smoke, why not use the bottle itself? With a Bottle Bong Converter you can do that instantly!
These Glass 18.8mm Diffuser Downpipes are designed to cool the smoke and give better filtration than a regular downpipe.
As with all ROOR products, these downpipes are hand blown to perfection. The ROOR Downpipes are an essential item if you have lost or broken the one that came with your ROOR Bong.
These Kinked Downpipes are exactly what's required for practical bong smoking. With a straight bong stem or cone, you always have to tip the bong slightly to stop your mix falling out. Not so with the sensible Kinked Downpipe!
The 10cm Downpipe with Cone is made of metal with a screw-on bowl and a rubber stopper.The stem thickness is 9.5 mm and the internal diameter of the stem is 8mm
Heavy hands and delicate stems aren't always a good match, but the Replacement Glass Bong Stem will add extra lives to your bong!
This 6 arm diffuser downstem is perfect for anybody looking to turn their bong into a high tech, scientific bubbler
This Colour Changing Replacement Grommet Bowl & Stem is a is a replacement glass bowl and stem combination that fits any bong with with a rubber grommet
The 11cm Metal Downpipe is perfect for making your own homemade bong, or replacing a lost or broken part to your existing bong.
These downstems are the perfect for those of you who like to build your own bongs, or if you simply need a replacement for a current bong.
A downpipe is a tube that connects the bowl (where the dry herbs or tobacco are placed) to the water chamber of the bong. The downpipe allows smoke to flow from the bowl into the water, where it is filtered and cooled before it is inhaled by the user.
Downpipes come in various lengths and shapes, and they can be made from different materials, including glass, metal, and plastic. A longer downpipe can help to cool the smoke more effectively, while a shorter downpipe may provide a more direct and potent hit.
One important factor to consider when choosing a downpipe is the joint size, as it must be compatible with the bowl and the bong itself. It's also important to ensure that the downpipe is securely attached to the bowl and the bong to prevent leaks or breakage.